Another nature-inspired work of art from Van Gogh is this oil in canvas painting, The Almond Blossom.The facts are, this is part of a series of paintings of other blossoming almond flowers, but the one seen on the image above is actually his most popular one.
The paintings of plants in the backdrop of a nice blue sky were Van Gogh’s signature. This certain painting shows his versalitily as an artist, as it is apparent that this certain piece is heavily influenced by Japanese art. This piece also signifies Vincent’s love for his brother Theo. When Theo and his wife had their first child, they named him Vincent in his honor. He in turn gave this glorious painting as a gift to celebrate his godson.
Our Recommended Source For Almond Blossom Reproduction
If you want to get replica of Van Gogh Almond Blossom for your home, work space or a gift, this is our recommended site:
5 Facts About Van Gogh’s Almond Blossom
- A close up or cropped view of an image, absence of perspective and intense color blocks are the three strong elements of the Japanese Ukiyo-e prints. Van Gogh is an avid collector and admirer of these which inspired him to do several Japanese style paintings much like this over the course of his short career. In fact, there was a recent exhibition titled “Van Gogh and Japan” which displayed a combination of Van Gogh pieces and actual Japanese paintings.
- Upon reading that last fact, you would probably assume that Van Gogh may have developed his love for this art style by immersing himself in their culture. But you will be surprised to know that Vincent Van Gogh has never been to Japan. He however found inspiration from Japanese woodcut prints all over Europe. Some called what Vincent had “Japonisme,”- an obsession for Japanese aesthetics. He was not alone though, there were other painters and artists who shared the same love for Japanese art.
- In one of Vincent’s letters to his brother Theo, he tried to convince his younger brother to join him in Arles, South of France.
“I’d like you to spend some time here, you’d feel it,” he wrote. “After some time your vision changes, you see with a more Japanese eye, you feel color differently.” - At first, Van Gogh simply copied the Japanese art style by tracing both sketches and oil paintings: In 1887 he traced a whole magazine cover in pencil and ink. This was for the magazine Paris Illustre and the issue was devoted to Japan.
- Flowering almonds, the tree from this painting actually symbolize hope, rebirth and awakening. It was ironic and tragic that Van Gogh failed to cling to what makes him hopeful and alive despite the guidance and support from his family and friends regarding his mental illness.
How much is it worth and where is it now?
After Vincent’s death, “Almond Blossoms” went to Theo’s widow, Joanna. The Van Gogh Foundation acquired the canvas in 1960, and it now resides at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.
Since this is a personal gift to a family member, the worth of this specific piece is undetermined. But given its impact on the art world, it’s safe to say that this painting is worth millions of dollars.